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Shadowverse Evolve Starter Deck 1 Regal Fairy Princess

Shadowverse Evolve Starter Deck 1 Regal Fairy Princess

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Swarm your opponent with Fairy tokens before buffing them up with additional stats and abilities!
To maximize the potential of the Regal Fairy Princess starter deck, focus on generating as many Fairy tokens as possible in the early turns. Use Water Fairy, Fairy Circle, Waltzing Fairy, and Fairy Caster to amass a swarm of fairies in your EX area. These tokens can be used to contest the field or saved for future combos.

A key strategy is to have Titania's Sanctuary on the field, which boosts the stats of your Fairy tokens and gives them the Assail ability to attack your opponent's reserved followers. Aria, Fairy Princess is also a powerful card to use, as her Fanfare ability allows you to place up to 9 Fairy tokens on the field or in your EX area. These tokens gain Rush and the buffs from Titania's Sanctuary, making them even deadlier.

Remember to make use of the Combo ability by playing a certain number of cards during your turn. With the low-cost Fairy tokens, you can swing the momentum in your favor and overwhelm your opponent with a swarm of fairies.

Product Details

Each starter deck contains:
• 1 prebuilt deck (40 main deck cards + 10 evolved cards)
• 1 leader card
• 10 token cards
• 3 Evolution Point cards
• 1 playmat
• 1 rule sheet (double-sided)
• 1 defense counter
• 2 sheets of punch-out counters
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